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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Smileys n their meanings

:-) :) :o) :] :3 :c) :> =] 8) =) :} :^)smiley or happy face,[1][2][3][4] version without colon common in Russia
:D C:big smiley
e.e O.e O.eCreeped out
( )hug, commonly called a cyberhug
:-D :D 8D xD XD =D =3 <=3 <=8laughing,[1][2] big grin,[3][4]
<=3 <=8 8===D 8===Bpenis[1][2][3][4][5]
:-( :( :c :< :[ :{frown[1][2][3][4]
D: D8 D; D= DX v.vhorror, disgust, sadness[1][3][4]
:-9licking chops[1]
;-) ;) *) ;] ;Dwink[1][2][3][4]
:-P :P XP :-p :p =p :-Þ :Þ :-b :btongue sticking out, cheeky/playful, blowing a raspberry[1][2][6]
:-O :O O_O o_o 8O OwO O-O 0_o O_o O3O o0o ;o_o; o...o 0w0surprise, shock, nondescript[1][2][6]
c.c C.CEye roll, disapproval
:-/ :/ :\ =/ =\ :Sskeptical, annoyed, undecided, uneasy, hesitant[1][2][6]c
:|straight face[3] disgusted, grim, no expression[1]
d:-) qB-)cap, backwards cap (incorporating elements of the "shades" emoticon)[citation needed]
:)~ :-)>....Drooling[1]
:-X :X :-# :#sealed lips, embarrassed[1][2][6]
O:-) 0:3 O:)angel[1][2][3] innocent[6]
:'( ;*( T_T TT_TT T.T Q.Q Q_Q ;_;crying[1][6]
:-* :*kiss
^o)Jarya[6], raised eyebrow
>:) >;) >:-)evil[3]
B) B-) 8) 8-)shades[6]
^>.>^ ^<.<^ ^>_>^ ^<_<^look that way/ sarcasm / Irony
D:< >:( >:C D-:< >:-( :-@[1] ;( `_´ D<angry, mad
<3>love, heart, lots of hearts
broken heart, no love[7]
=^_^= =>.>= =<_<=>.<=happy blushing, embarrassed blushing, bashful [can be used with = symbol or + symbol: {[jml}]
\,,/ \m/Rock on, sign of the horns[8]
\m/\>.Rock on, sign of the horns[8] used with an emoticon
+<|:-)#Bearded bishop
\m/Shaka sign
\o/Praise, excitement, jumping for joy
\o o/Greeting, hello, goodbye
d'-' d'_' d'-'b d'_'bThumbs up, Gig 'em, Listening to music, Headphones
o/\oHigh five
:&Fail Face
3:Elder God
>>;Described as "like eye rolling with a sweat drop," expressing "destressed, frustrated, Sick of crap. Mainly frustrated"
=]:-)=Abraham Lincoln